
Resolve Windows Defender Error Code 0x8050800c Easily

Windows Defender is one of the most trusted applications to safeguard computer system from potential virus. It comes integrated with the Windows operating system. However, customers approach us with several error codes, Windows Defender Error Code 0x8050800c being one of them.

Customers’ Issues With Windows Defender

If any malware or virus invades your system through computer’s firewalls or any other safety nets, and if Windows Defender fails to scan the system then you will see the error code 0x8050800c on your screen. Fortunately, there are some easy fixes for the error.

However, if you are not technically proficient we recommend you to not take the risk. It may damage your system permanently. Instead, seek assistance from their experts. their experts will solve the Windows Defender problem in no time.

Fix Your Windows Defender Error Code 0x8050800c in Easy Steps

Want to fix Windows Defender Error Code 0x8050800c on Windows 10? their Windows Defender Technical Support Team provides a guideline. Strictly follow the guideline and fix the problem.

Solution 1: Install Windows Updates For Computers

  • First, open the Start menu
  • Now click on Settings
  • Under Update and Security, check for Windows Update
  • If an update is available, download the updates and install them
  • Restart your computer and check whether the issue still persists or not

If the above solution does not work for you, then proceed on to the next step.

Solution 2: Use the Norton Removal Tool

You must have installed Norton in your system way back earlier. But, due to a reason or the other uninstalled it. Norton was not removed completely and is currently conflicting with Windows Defender. So, you will have to uninstall Norton to root out the issue.

  • First, download the Norton Removal Tool
  • Now launch the program. You will be able to see a list of the program currently running in the system
  • Follow the on-screen instructions and remove all the Norton applications. Now restart your computer to make all the changes

Hope the above two solutions will solve your problem. If the problem still persists do not wait any longer. Take their technical assistance. We will assure with guaranteed solutions. Since we offer services , you can call anytime you want and can fix your problem. We will resolve the Windows error code within a couple of minutes. You can avail their service spending only a few dollars. We charge comparatively lesser to fix Windows Defender Error.