
Importance of Exclusive Breastfeeding that Every New Mother Should Know


Being a mother is an experience that is full of lots of emotions. When a woman becomes a mother for the first time, she has many questions and apprehensions in her mind. A new mother feels love, affection, and fear in her mind about whether she will be able to take care of the child or not. Breastfeeding is one such fear and experience.

Mother’s milk is a complete diet for the child. It is believed that breastfeeding is a very natural process that every new mother understands herself, but it does not happen every time.

It is a big responsibility to become a mother, and I lack the right information. That is why we are giving you some tips to reduce your difficulties, which will make the early days of breastfeeding easier.

Recognize your Child’s Gestures

Even though your child was born two days ago, children start giving signals from day one to drink milk. When the child feels hungry, they suck their finger or try to touch your breast. Understand these gestures, and only then breastfeed them.

Keep the Baby Close to You

Newborns have a very high sense of smell immediately after birth. That is why you should keep your child closer to your body. With this, he will recognise you quickly and will try to find your breast on his own when he feels hungry.

Drink Plenty of Water

Drinking water is very good for your entire health. Soon after giving birth to a child, it becomes even more important because the more water you drink, the more milk will be made in your body. If necessary, set an alarm to drink water so that you drink water from time to time without forgetting.

What to Eat to Increase Your Mother’s Milk?

Nutritious food: By eating nutritious food, the amount of a mother’s breast starts increasing. Good and nutritious nutrition is required for milk production in the body. Eating barley, porridge, and milk also provides great benefits.

Papaya: Papaya is famous worldwide as a galectagogue. Consuming papaya helps increase the production of oxytocin, which in turn increases milk production. You can also consume green papaya by boiling it or eating it raw. Thai restaurants use green papaya a lot; you can also try some Thai dishes. Eating this increases the production of oxytocin in women, which helps increase milk in the breasts.

Almonds/Cashews/Dry Nuts

After becoming a mother, dry fruits should be consumed as much as possible. Nuts like cashews, almonds, pistachios increase the amount of milk in the breasts. In addition, they are also rich in vitamins, minerals and proteins.

Mothers should eat nuts to increase breast milk as they are a quick energy booster and a good source of protein. If you are looking for a non-dairy source of calcium, try almonds. Almonds are rich in Vitamin E and Omega-3. Omega-3 helps promote lactation hormones. For lactating mothers, including almonds and other nuts in their daily diet helps in increasing breast milk production. You can also use peanuts for this.


We all know that pulses are rich in protein. Apart from being an excellent source of protein, pulses are also very rich in fiber and iron, which is why it is helpful in increasing breast milk.

Use Eggs to Increase Breast Milk

This delicious and versatile food is good for lactating mothers. Eggs are rich in protein, vitamins B12 and D, riboflavin, folate and choline. According to a 2013 study published in the American Journal of Psychiatry, increased choline intake during pregnancy and lactation promotes normal brain development, which may protect infants from future diseases.


Milk is considered to be an important part of your diet, because it is rich in calcium, due to which there is no calcium deficiency in your body, as well as being rich in calcium, consuming milk of lactating mothers The quantity also increases. Therefore lactating mothers should drink a glass of milk daily in the morning and at night.

If the Child does not Sleep on Time at Night, Then in these Ways Make him Sleep

Breast Milk not Coming

Stay Away from Stress

During the time a mother feeds her child, she should stay away from any domestic or personal tension. The rest of the family members should try to keep the mother tension free. Actually your mental stress directly affects the milk produced in your body. Remember, the happier you are, the better it is for the baby and your health.

Be around positive people

After the birth of a child, the life of a new mother changes like this. Breastfeeding makes many new mothers very nervous at times. That is why you should surround yourself with people who can help you overcome your difficulties and encourage you. The mother needs the support of the whole family to raise the child. So, if your family, particularly your husband, and friends are willing to assist and support you, the tension is cut in half.

Keep the Baby away from the Bottle

Since childhood, many people have fed the baby with a plastic bottle. Do not do this at all. Keep the bottle away from your baby until you stop breastfeeding completely. Remember, the more you breastfeed your baby, the more milk your body will make, and your baby will stay away from diseases.

Breastfeeding from an Ayurvedic Perspective

Pregnancy is the most beautiful phase of every woman’s life. From the day of conception to the day of delivery, a woman goes through many physical, mental, and emotional changes, one of which is the same amount of breast milk. The best food for newborns is considered to be breastfeeding, which is considered the healthiest form of nutrition for infants.

In Ayurvedic literature, the importance of breastfeeding is beautifully described. In the life of the fetus, the child gets nourishment from the mother’s body through the placenta. After this, within a few hours of birth, the child starts getting nutrients through the mother’s milk. The purpose of breastfeeding is to have a blissful and loving relationship with a new-born child and provide necessary nutrition. Being located in the Anahata Chakra (center), the breasts are a means of love and nutrition for the child. This is the silent language of love.

However, due to changes in lifestyle and poor eating habits, most new mothers have insufficient milk production to breastfeed their baby.In Ayurveda, it is known as “breast decay” or “perishable.” It is quite surprising that despite being very connected with the health of mother and child, there is little discussion on these issues.

According to Ayurveda, mammary decay is caused by Agnidushti (weakness of the digestive system) and Rasdhatu (lack of nutrition). It can also be caused by the psychological disorders of the mother, such as anger (anger), mourning (sadness), fear (fear), anxiety (lack of affection for the child), and an unhealthy diet (unhealthy food habits).

How do you use a Pump to increase Breast Milk?

  • Pumping in the morning is the best time because milk production decreases throughout the day.
  • Pump 1 hour before or 1 hour after breastfeeding.
  • Can pump continuously for 20 minutes at a time.
  • Keep doing a light massage on the chest while taking out the milk from the pump.

When to Seek Help from a Doctor?

If you feel that your baby is not getting enough milk or is not satisfied, then you should consult a doctor. In the case of a low milk production problem, it can be rectified with some changes in routine and feeding techniques. While speaking with the doctor about any other questions or concerns.

Frequently Asked Inquiries

Q1. What should be eaten to increase Breast Milk?

A1. Green leafy vegetables, milk, fennel, ginger, fenugreek, garlic, chickpea, papaya, almond, fennel and jaggery, cumin etc.

Q2. Can you increase Breast Milk at Home without Medicine?

A2. Many women have benefited from the above-mentioned home remedies to increase breast milk.