
Spotlight Search Not Working Mac? Mac For Effective Solutions

Recently, Spotlight has become highly popular to become one of the best features of Mac. It is used during the launching of applications, to search for old emails and so much more. However, there are issues that creep in from time to time like the sudden stoppage of the Spotlight. Users often get confused as to what leads to Spotlight Search not working Mac.

This article provides you with the possible troubleshooting methods to fix this bug. Also, the possible causes are also covered in this article so that you can reach the root of the issue. That makes resolving the issue even easier.

Spotlight Search Not Working Mac? Here Are The Problems You May Face

Given below are some of the common problems that appear when Mac search not working.

Problem 1

The Spotlight Menu icon gets highlighted but the search form does not appear.

Problem 2

The search form of the Spotlight appears but there is no result is appearing.

Problem 3

The Softlight search works completely fine but the results are unsatisfactory and incomplete.

What Causes The Spotlight To Stop Working?

While the Spotlight functions properly most of the time, it may be filled with unexpected errors at times. Mac users have noticed that there are some issues in Spotlight search following an upgrade.

Some users who have recently upgraded their MacBook to MacOS have experienced that the Spotlight search does not provide accurate results. Try out the methods provided here and see if you can fix spotlight search not working Mac issue.

Quick Fixing Of Spotlight Search Now Working Issue

Though Spotlight Search works flawlessly for most of the times, there are always some errors that appear all of a sudden. Finding appropriate solutions to such issues is not so easy if you not tech-savvy. Hence, get in touch with their experts at Mac Technical Support and get rid of such errors in an instant.

Before you do that, here are some of the usual methods that you can try and repair the issue on your own.

1. Reboot Mac

The most common solution for this error is to restart the Mac. Many a time, a simple reboot of the Mac repairs the Spotlight. Here is how to restart the Mac.

  • Firstly, go to settings and open Messages. Turn off the iMessage.
  • Now switch off your device and restart it again.
  • Finally start the iMessage again.

2. Change The Resolution Of Your Desktop

Although this may sound strange to many users, many have found this solution to work. The Spotlight appears to be working upon the change of desktop resolution.

Note: Although this trick seems to be working, it is likely to be a temporary fix. Contact their Mac Technical Support to receive expert advice regarding this error.