Your quick guide to lesser-known Google services available for free. Good’s best apps online right now, read more to get pace on everything about Google.
Google is a multinational company who has its user base in billions. A brainchild of Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Google started off with Google search which revolutionized web search for good. Standing here thinking about it, Google started out as a home project for the two Stanford dropouts, and within a short time period overtook Yahoo as the leading search engine. The algorithm Google is based on, made web search a child’s play. From a humble search engine, Google grew into something very big very fast.
Along its way, Google introduced many of their premium services, which is available for the users for free. Google Mail or Gmail, for example, is one of the first services introduced to the public. Similar to Google search, Gmail was easy enough to use and gained traction very fast. Today Gmail is the most used Email service used all over the globe. Over the decades Google introduced a number of new services, Google Maps for instance and many more.
Google took a radical new turn when it introduced the Android ecosystem. Android is one of a kind, open source operating system, initially introduced for mobile phones. Android changed how we use their mobile phones, it gave a new meaning to what a smartphone is. Google is single-handedly responsible for putting a smartphone in everybody’s hand. Android being an open-source operating system means different mobile brands are free to use it as their primary operating system in their mobile phones.
What makes Android different from rest of the operating system is that it is not localized to mobile phones, it is as fluid as it can be. Android can be molded into any device be it a projector or even a car. Android Auto has been on the market for quite some time now and has managed to make their driving experience all the more fun.
Google turned out to be a true revolution in the tech world. Today you cannot go about with your day without using your preferred Google services. All these Google products have been meticulously designed and developed to make their lives all the easier.
If there is a place we cannot find, the first thing that we refer to is Google Maps. If you want to store all of your important documents in one place, you have Google drive. The best part is that most of these services are available for free of cost.
Google took another giant leap in 2016 when it introduced the world the Google Pixel. Google has managed to move on from being just a software company to a hardware company. The Google Pixel is Google’s answer to what a perfect smartphone should be. It came with the latest and the greatest hardware option with a superior built quality. And of course, it came with the most upgraded version of Android OS. With the Google Pixel, Google introduced the Google Assistant, which truly changed how we use their smartphones daily. It is a truly AI based assistant, that has the capability to actually interact with the users. Now if want your Android phone to do something, you only need to ask. What makes it different is that it keep on learning and gets all the better withe.
Be it hardware or software, Google has managed to champion both. Through their extraordinary services, Google has managed to gather a large number of users. The above are just the tip of the iceberg. Let us now look at some of the services provided by Google.
Google’s Best Services and Apps 2017
Google One Today:
“Give a little, change a lot” that’s the motto of Google One Today app. We like it or not, this world is going through a crisis. War and hunger are tearing nations apart. That’s why it never hurts to donate a little to a good cause. That’s where Google One Today app comes in.
Donating for a good cause was never this easy. The portfolio of the One Today app comes with a large number of Non-Profit organizations working to make this world a better place. You can directly reach them using this app and donate between $1-$10. Not only that, this app keeps a track of your donations and sends you notification of various other non-profit organizations that will interest you.
This app also allows you to set up a match, and that way you can gather all your friends on social media and collectively donate. This app works in a very interesting way, it shows you the target of the particular organization so that you can donate accordingly.
You are free to make the donation through various portals, Google Wallet for instance. The best part of this app is that when you hit $250 in your donation, Google will send you a tax deduction certificate via Email.
Google Gboard:
The Google Gboard app is a little something for the ones with IOS. It is more of a keyboard app one of the very few available in the IOS app store. But it is not just a keyboard app it is more of a smart keyboard app. One key feature of this app is that it comes with a Google search button inserted on the keyboard itself.
So if you are looking for something that you don’t know, you have the option of searching for it then and there. That way you don’t have to leave the chat, it makes it much easier if you ask me.
Another feature of this application is that IOS users now have the option to glide type with the Gboard. Glid typing is a feature which you would only find it on Android phones. It makes typing all the more fun and easy. If you get the hang of it you will be able to increase your typing speed at least by 20%. That’s not just it, you will be able to use the Gboard spacebar as a trackpad to move your cursor between text. Once you use this you won’t be able to use any other keyboard ever again.
Google Sound Search:
We have all heard of Shazam, it is an app that helps you identify music or any song that you do not know of. But I am sure most Android users have not heard of Google Sound Search. It works in a similar way but way better.
Android marshmallow users are the ones with this feature. This is more of a widget rather an application. If you want it you will find it in your widget section. All you have to do is drag your Sound Search widget onto your home screen, and whenever you need a song to be identified, all you have to do is tap on that widget.
This app uses the microphone of your device to listen to what is playing in the surrounding. After it registers the song. It automatically goes through its database to identify the song accurately. 9 out of 10 times this app is able to identify the song. This type of services comes in very handy when you desperately need it.
We all have that moment when we come across a song that we like but is unable to put their finger on it. If you have this widget in your arsenal you will never have to face this type of crisis ever again. It will identify the song and store it in its database for you listen later. This feature is not available internationally, only in the US and in few European States.
Google Express:
If you are looking to bing buy from an online portal, the first thing that comes to their mind is Amazon. But little do we know that there is an online shopping portal called Google Express by Google. When you go and buy something online you have to wait for days on end to get your parcel.
But that’s not the case with Google express, the specialty of Google Express is that they specialize in one-day delivery. Google expressly comes with thousands of sellers spread out all over the State. With Google Express you are not only limited to ordering goods. With this online portal, you will be able to order food as well from specific sellers.
The best part of Google Express is that it comes with a yearly subscription of just $95 which gives you the option of free delivery for the entire year of shopping.
Google being Google you will be able to track your order from the get-go. If you think the prices of good will be different in terms of same-day delivery, then you are wrong. Google Express offers you the same prices as that of other retailers. This is the reason why the user base of Google Express is on the rise day by day.
Google Trends:
Google Trends is a powerful tool you can use to find out the some of the most trending topic people search in the web using keyword search. It first came into existence in the 2008 and has been used by businesses all over the world to compare brand health in different areas of the State.
Such comparison helps businesses all over the world to make better decisions. Thus increasing their profit. It works by collecting all the keyword searches conducted by users all over the world. It helps companies to keep themselves updated with the latest trends.
For example, fashion industry all over uses this service to update the trends on a daily basis. So as to, they can come up with new outfits every now and then. Businesses use all of these collected data conceptualize new product lineup and offer them to the end buyer.
Google Trends is not your ordinary keyword search. Unlike other keyword search engine, Google Trends gives you real-time keyword search of the most trending topics. Not only businesses but big media houses use Google Trends to look for trending topics to write about. Using Google Trends is quite a learning curve, but once you get used to it, you would realize how much of a useful tool it is. If you are looking to expand your business to new heights, then Google Trends will be of great help.
Google Photos:
Every Android user on the planet has heard and used Google photos. The Google Photos is a neat replacement for your gallery app. Google Photos is a cloud-based photo and video storing center. In the beginning, it came with just 14 GB of cloud storage for each user, but with the latest updates, the users are given unlimited cloud storage.
Your Google Photos app syncs with your camera app so that whenever you take a photo or a video, the file is directly uploaded to the cloud. Once the file is uploaded you can delete the file from your system. Later whenever you need it, you can always download it.
If you use a Google Pixel phone, you have the additional option to upload the unlimited number of full resolution photos. If you are shutterbug like a most Android user is right now, you would find this Google service quite useful. This way you don’t lose any of your memory.
Unlike most photo galleries available for download, Google Photos neatly arranges your photos. This app is smart enough to recognize faces and is able to arrange photos accordingly. Share your precious memory by sharing an album with your friends. Make slideshows and send them to your friends or edit on the go. Google photos give you that flexibility that other gallery app won’t.
Google Art & Culture:
Are you an Art buff, then you must check out Google’s Art & culture application. With this app, you have the ability to experience the art and culture from all over the world. Google has documented and cataloged art from 70 different countries and their museums.
This allows you to browse through every kind of famous art ever produced. You will be provided with high definition photos down to the minute detail so that you don’t miss out on the experience.
You can not only browse world art, you are given the option to search for a specific masterpiece using specific keywords. You are sure to be given a perfect result every time. This app is not only about paintings it is about culture as a whole, which means it includes dance and films as well.
This app is especially useful for fine art students who can use to its full potential for any kind of research or projects. This app is your one-stop destination if you are looking to encounter world art as a whole. The best part is that the database of this app keeps on growing day by day, which means there is always something new to discover every day.
Google Scholar:
What do you do when you want to go that extra mile when preparing for an exam or doing a project. Google Scholar is one such Google services you probably never heard of. It has been designed and developed for students to help them go that extra mile in their academics.
It is a separate search engine where you as a student can search for scholarly literature from all over the globe. This search engine comes with a massive collection of books, dissertation, academic society papers and everything in between.
It is free of cost and very easy to use. Similar to Google search the same algorithm is used in Google Scholar to search for scholarly documents. Unlike in Google Search, Google Scholar does not provide you with additional websites, where you have to go through the entire content to find what you need. You are provided with the pure academic content of the subject you have searched for. With the help of Google Scholar, you will be able to cut down your research time in half. That way you are left with more time form your own content.
Google Fonts:
When we are about to start off with a project that involves writing, the lion share of their time goes in deciding the font. We all experience this crisis quite often, and it is definitely not something to look forward to. To ease your decision-making process on this subject, Google has brought to you Google Fonts.
Google Fonts you gives you the option of hundred different fonts that are available for absolutely free. The interface is easy enough to use, you type in your sentence and the samples will be displayed to you in an instant.
All the samples are of the perfect size so that you make the correct choice. After choosing your desired font, you further have the option to tweak it, even more, to make it your own. The options are endless when you use Google Fonts.
To Sum it up
Google has come a long way from its humble beginnings. Google has continued to dominate their lives with its various services so much so that we can’t even imagine going through an entire day without it. Most of these services mentioned
above are available free of cost for the users. Google is the one and only revolution in the tech industry that truly changed how we communicate with the outside world. With all its numerous services Google has given each of its users the power of information.