You have downloaded McAfee Safe Connect in your PC, but you are unable to uninstall it? Then you are in the right place. There are some easy solutions to fix McAfee Safe Connect Uninstall issues on Windows, Mac, and Android. But still, if you will not be able to uninstall this software by following below-mentioned steps, then feel free to get in touch with their tech help immediately.
For any technical help related to McAfee Safe Connect issues, call Support anytime for McAfee Safe Connect Service. It’s true that McAfee provides a lot of online security features that is unbeatable compared to other antiviruses. But that doesn’t make it immune to glitches.
It may lead to software crashing or slowing down of the PC. So in that case, McAfee Safe Connect Uninstall becomes a necessity. Try out the steps mentioned below or give us a call for instant solutions.
What is McAfee Safe Connect?
McAfee Safe Connect uses a virtual private network to create a secure connection. It helps to reduce your online security risks and helps to keep your data private when you are connecting to a public WiFi hotspot or an open network.
All of your information and online activities are encrypted with McAfee Safe Connect. Hackers and Cybercriminals and can’t capture or track your online information.
How To Uninstall McAfee Safe Connect On Windows, Mac, iOs, Android?
Follow the below mentioned steps for solving the issue of McAfee Safe Connect Uninstall on your Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android:
From a Windows PC:
- At first, at the bottom left of your Windows desktop, nearby the Start menu click Search.
- On that bar write Programs and Features. Then click on it.
- Then right-click on McAfee Safe Connect.
- Press Uninstall and follow the instructions what you are requested to do.
From a Mac:
- In the Apple menu bar press Go button.
- Then press Applications.
- In the list of apps search Safe Connect, and then drag that icon to the Trash.
- Type your Password, if you are requested to give.
- At last, empty the trash folder by removing all Safe Connect files.
From an Android Device:
If you can see the Safe Connect option under the Device Administrator list, before trying to uninstall remove it at first from the list.
- At first, open the Settings app.
- Click Location & Security.
- Then click Device Administrators.
- After that deselect Safe Connect.
Follow these steps if you have removed Safe Connect from the Device Administrator list:
- At first, open Settings.
- Select Applications option.
- Then Manage Applications.
- Click McAfee Safe Connect.
- Go to Options, and then click Uninstall or Remove.
From an iOS device:
- Click the McAfee Safe Connect app, and hold that until the icons start wiggling.
- Click the x, which will appear on the top left of the app icon.
- If you are sure that you want to delete McAfee Safe Connect, then click Delete.
- Now to stop the icons from wiggling click the Home button, if you have an iPhone X, then look at the top right, click Done to prevent the images from wiggling.
If you’re wondering how to remove McAfee Safe Connect, then follow the solutions mentioned above. If you have more problems, then let us know, we are sure to guide you and help you out.
Rely On Support For McAfee Safe Connect Uninstall Solutions
You can connect with Support for McAfee Safe Connect at customer service number:[ ], or you are free to drop down a mail at their email ID. So get in touch with them. Support expert team works round the clock to help you with the most effective solutions whenever there’s a glitch with your McAfee Antivirus.