
Fix error 0x80070426 In Effective Steps

Windows error 0x80070426  is a very common error of Windows 10. It generally occurs during the updating process of Windows. Sometimes this error can also occur due to a severe technical issue. Fixing this error is simple if you are well-versed in technology.  In case you are unable to solve this error,

Support team works round the clock to help you with the most relevant solutions. Even if your Windows is confronting any other error, we are here to assist you. All you need to do is dial a toll-free number and speak to their tech experts. They will provide you with the most effective solution right away.


What Causes Error 0x80070426?


Several reasons may result in error code 0x80070426. Here we drafted some of the common causes:

  • Corruption while updating Windows 10
  • The viruses and malware function corrupted program files
  • Software disturbance, such as improper installations or inaccurate or fraud download

These are some common reasons for the Windows 10 error 0x80070426. If you face the problem while updating your Windows, call immediately. As a matter of fact, these are not the only reason that can lead to this error. You can get in touch with their Microsoft Support to know the right reason for this error to occur in your system.

You can fix the problem with a few simple steps. However, if you are not tech savvy, it is advised to not take the risk. Your Windows may get damaged, and you will lose your valuable data. Instead, contact Support. Here you can avail better guidelines and you will be also provided round the clock service.

Fix The Windows Error 0x80070426 In Simple Steps

There are a few ways through which you can resolve the error efficiently. If anyone finds the instructions too confusing, contact their professional Windows repair technician to fix the error on your behalf.

Hold the Windows Key + R together. And type “taskmgr” in the dialog box. Check your Windows Defender Service. Click right on it and then select Stop option.

This will stop the process and start up automatically when the computer restarts. Therefore, uninstall essentials while the program is stopped.

For that, go to Control Panel and then select Programs and Features. Click Uninstall a Program. Or hold down the Windows Key and tap R together, type a command appwiz.cpl, and now click OK.  After that Uninstall it, and then reboot your computer.

After doing this, go to Settings and click Update and Security. Open Windows Defender and enable the Real-time protection. Go back to the Task Manager and click Services. Ensure that the Windows Defender service is enabled and running.