
Google Drive Error 6248: Fix The Error Code With Easy Tech Hacks

While using Google Drive, users come across several issues and complications. Google Drive Error 6248 is one such issue that the users face frequently. Google Drive is a backup platform for users when you use your Google account for a lot of purposes. Both Windows and Mac users can encounter this error code. The best thing that you can do is log out of your Google account when you face this error code.

However, there are a few other reasons behind the problem. You have to get a complete grasp of the ideas before you conclude anything. So, take a look at the causes behind the Google Drive error to combat the issue faster. 

Why Do You Often Face The Google Drive Error 6248?

  • Users can face this error code when they log in to their Google accounts from various devices.
  • If you connect your Google Drive to various other applications, you can also sometimes encounter theGoogle Drive error 6248.
  • There can be sync problems with your Google Drive which sometimes might be responsible for the error code.
  • There can be problems with a software application which can prevent you from accessing your Google Drive.
  • Presence of malware and viruses can also sometimes cause the issue to prevail.

Here is a list of the reasons to cause the Google Drive error. However, there are many other reasons for the issue as well. Moreover, if you face any problem regarding the reasons, you can straightaway contact the professionals at Support.

How To Fix Google Drive Error 6248?

Here are some ways to solve the issue in no time:

Step 1:

From the system tray menu on the taskbar, right-click on the Google Drive icon. You will see a lot of options. Select the “Preferences” option.

Step 2:

Disconnect the connection to Google Drive. After you perform the disconnect step, the data will persist on your PC, but if you make any changes to your Google Drive folder, it would not be synced with Google Drive via the web.

Step 3:

Once it is disconnected, tap on the”Yes” option. Your ID will be detached from Google Drive. It may be for your Mac or your Windows. But the program will continue as it was installed.

Step 4:

To log in to your account again, choose the “Sign in” option further to sync the drive all over again along with its contents.