What should I do if the Milk does not come down after Delivery?
Mother’s milk is no less than a boon for the baby. If the mother’s first, thick milk called the colostrum is given immediately after the birth of the baby, If the baby is fed, then doing so helps the baby stay safe from diseases and grow better. But there are some women who may have problems getting milk or getting less milk after delivery. It is not a matter of panic, and instead of panic, it is more important to think about how to solve this problem. So, in this article, we will tell you what to do if the breastfeed does not come down or comes down less after the baby is born. I’m going to give you some pointers that will be very useful to you.
To increase the Amount of Milk after Delivery, the Baby must be Breastfed.
Many times, due to a lack of milk, the woman does not even try to feed the baby after delivery. Which is the wrong thing to do, but you must give the nipple to the baby’s mouth. Because when the baby is hungry, it applies pressure to suckle, which can help open the milk glands in the breast. Due to which the woman can start getting milk after delivery. Also, you should keep changing the breast after a while feeding so that the production of milk in both breasts can increase. Furthermore, the baby should not be fed from the same breast because this can cause one breast to be small and the other to be large.
Drink plenty of fluids.
- To solve the problem of not getting breastfed, the woman should consume plenty of fluids.
- Like drinking eight to ten glasses of water a day, drinking two to three glasses of milk, drinking coconut water, drinking juices, etc.
- Because the more fluids there are in the body, the more milk is produced.
- Also, make sure to take some fluids before breastfeeding the baby.
- This aids in the production of sufficient milk for the baby in the breast.
- Take care of food and drink if milk does not come after delivery.
To solve the problem of not getting enough milk after delivery or not getting milk at all, a woman should take utmost care of her food and drink. Because the more a woman takes care of food and drink, the sooner she gets rid of this problem. Such as green vegetables, cumin, fennel, garlic, beetroot, basil, bitter gourd, etc., should be consumed because they help increase the production of milk in the breast.
What are the Reasons for not having Breast Milk after Delivery?
It is your responsibility to attend to the baby’s every need, from food to drink. Mother’s thick and yellow milk is like nectar for new-born babies. You must have heard from many experts that mother’s milk is very important for babies. But in many cases, women are not able to get breastfeeding done for their children under compulsion. This is because they do not have breast milk after delivery. Due to the non-availability of breast milk, it becomes a compulsion to feed the babies outside. In such a situation, the child’s health is badly affected. There can be many reasons for women not having breast milk. Which includes both physical and mental reasons. It is possible to cure this problem. If you want, you can get rid of the problem of not getting breast milk by following the doctor’s advice. Let us know what the reasons are for not getting breast milk.
Due to their lifestyle
Pregnancy phase is very delicate. During this time, we should take special care of our lifestyle. Pregnant women should stay away from things like caffeine, an unbalanced diet, and smoking. If they consume these things during pregnancy, it can affect their breast milk.
Stress can be Harmful
Stress is becoming a big problem in today’s world. People are becoming stress victims in everyday life. Many people are neither able to share their words nor their things. As a result, the problem of stress is becoming more prevalent. Stressing out pregnant women can be harmful. Stress can also be the reason for not having breast milk after delivery. In such a case, avoid stress during pregnancy.
Due to a Hormonal Imbalance
Doctors tell us that during delivery, the hormones of the body become unbalanced, which also affects the breast milk. Some women have thyroid problems. When there is an overactive thyroid, the hormones of the body remain unbalanced. As a result, women are unable to obtain breast milk.
Due to Delivery Problems
Problems during delivery are also responsible for not having breast milk. Sometimes the delivery causes a lot of bleeding, in which case the risk of traumatic delivery is high. Stress is responsible for traumatic deliveries. Excessive bleeding after delivery affects the hormones that make breast milk. Because of this, there is a decrease in breast milk. Which is called Sheehan’s syndrome in the language of experts.
Retained Placenta
After delivery, part of the placenta is completely expelled from the woman’s body. However, in some cases, parts of the placenta remain in the uterus, causing hormonal changes in women’s bodies. because of which women are not able to get breast milk. Due to hormonal changes in the body, there is a hindrance in milk production. If you have any such problem, contact the doctors immediately. so that the remaining part of the placenta can be taken out of your body in time.
Delivery and Premature Birth
In most cases, women begin producing breast milk in the third month of pregnancy; however, if a premature birth occurs during pregnancy, the production of breast milk is hampered. Because the process of making milk takes some time. Milk cannot be pumped because the timing is incorrect, resulting in a problem extracting breast milk.
Due to Contraceptives
Hormonal changes are also seen in the body due to excessive consumption of birth control pills. Because of this, less breast milk is produced in the body. Due to hormonal changes in the body, milk is not released from the breasts of women. In the event of such a problem, contact the doctors immediately.
Follow these Tips if breast Milk is not Produced after Delivery.
Breast Massaging
Massage the breasts thoroughly after delivery to bring forth breast milk. Massage the breasts well in a circular and up-and-down motion. This improves blood circulation in the breast, due to which the mammary glands are also stimulated. Breast milk is made properly by massaging the breast properly.
Milk with Hands
If the milk is not pumping properly in your breast, then express the breast milk by hand pressing. Milk comes out properly when you press on the breast with your hands.
Do not take medicines without your doctor’s advice.
Many times, we ourselves take medicines without consulting the doctor. Doing this affects breast milk. That is why you should not consume medications without first consulting your doctor.
Is this not a Reason not to Breastfeed the Baby?
If the newborn is not drinking his mother’s milk or leaves it midway, then it can be a matter of concern. However, there can be many reasons behind this, so if your baby is not drinking milk, then first of all, the reason behind it should be known because there may be no milk coming out of the mother’s breasts or the baby may have such a problem in the mouth. due to which he is unable to drink milk. The baby can express its feelings only by crying or smiling. In such a situation, it becomes all the more important for the mother to find out the reason for her child not drinking milk herself, because only after knowing the reason will it be easy to remedy it. Let us find out why babies refuse to breastfeed and how to deal with it.
What should you do if the Baby does not Breastfeed?
If the child does not breastfeed, first determine why the child is not doing so. Know about the reasons due to which he is not showing interest in drinking milk, and then measures should be taken to remove that problem for the child. This reason could be something like this:
1. Low milk production
If milk comes in less quantity from the mother’s breasts, then this can also be a reason for the baby not being able to drink milk. Low milk flow can make it difficult for the baby to feed. Due to this problem, the baby may lose interest in drinking milk. If the baby is not able to take milk by putting the breast in the mouth or is crying, then it can be an indication that milk is not coming from the mother’s breasts or less. In such a situation, the mother should take measures to increase the amount of milk in her breasts, for which she can also seek the advice of a specialist. Along with this, an excessive flow of milk in the breasts can also be a reason for the baby not drinking milk. If this happens, change your position while feeding or feed the baby while lying on your stomach.
2. Breathing problems
Newborn babies sometimes cannot breathe properly while drinking milk, and when they drink milk, their mouth is also closed, due to which they have more breathing problems, and this can also be a reason for not drinking milk. The child’s nose also gets blocked due to the cold, and when he drinks milk through his mouth, he has difficulty breathing. If this is the case, then feed the baby in some other way, like with a bowl and spoon, so that the baby’s stomach can be filled.
3. Pain
Even if the baby has pain somewhere in the body, he is not able to breastfeed. For example, if the child has stomach or ear pain, gas, or any other problem, he may refuse to drink milk, cry incessantly, or show signs of irritability. Apart from this, even if the child has a fever or cold, the baby can stop drinking milk. If you feel that the child is in pain, consult a doctor and get treatment. The child will definitely drink milk when he is healthy.
4. Oral problem
If the baby is not latching on to the breast and is crying, then there may be a problem in the baby’s mouth, like mouth ulcers or some kind of infection. In such a situation, do not try to feed the baby forcefully; get him treated.
5. Allergies
Because babies cannot speak, they express their feelings only by crying. If the child is not drinking milk, it may also mean that he is allergic to milk. However, it is very rare, or it can happen if the mother has eaten something that the baby is allergic to because what the mother eats is what the baby receives through her milk. The only way to avoid this is to watch what you eat and drink. Stay away from foods that may cause discomfort for your baby.
6. Breastfeeding Method
Sometimes the baby does not like the way the mother breastfeeds (Stanpan), so he does not drink milk. While feeding the baby, the mother should take special care of her position and the place where she feeds. The mother should feed in a position in which the baby feels very comfortable and can feed well. Along with this, the place should be such that there is neither much noise nor light. Both noise and light can be distracting to the baby, due to which the baby may lose interest in feeding.
7. Teething
When baby teeth come out, the baby has to face many problems like diarrhoea, fever, pain, etc. Even during this time, babies stop drinking milk because the teeth coming out prick the baby while drinking milk, due to which the baby has problems drinking milk. Although this is a temporary problem, you can try to feed your baby with a glass or spoon-bowl, or you can give him some other food.
Apart from this, there can be some other reasons due to which the baby is not interested in drinking milk, like the baby is not hungry or the milk smells bad, etc. First of all, find out the reason, and if you do not reach any conclusions or all your efforts are unsuccessful, then consult a doctor or specialist.